Blog moved
I've moved my blog to a new address.
I think I have sent an email announcing this to everyone who reads my blog, but if you want the location of the new blog - send me an email to
This is a journal of stuff I'll be doing in general. I'll try to keep it updated.
I've moved my blog to a new address.
Today, we worked on learning to "key" the football field. Basically, that's where you select the colors of the field that the 'yellow first down line' will cover. It's a very important part of the system.
Training is going well. My direct boss is a nice guy named Ted Chen. Ted is an excellent and patient teacher and knows how to teach the job in a logical order. There's a lot ot know, but the info comes in proper size chunks.
One of the benefits to coming to California is that I happen to be less than a half hour from one of my good old buddies and his wife - Donn and Nora Dennman. Donn and Nora have 2 squirts - Alex and Sam. Lucky for me, they had the evening free and were able to meet me for dinner at a place that was convenient for me.
I left sunday evening to head for Mountain View California for training on they 'first down line' system. My flight left Orlando at 6 pm and I arrived in San Jose at 1:30 am eastern time. I get paid for traveling, so I figure I can squeeze "2 days" into a day on each end of a job. We'll see how that goes.
I have a "long time" buddy from the hang gliding industry who came to visit last week. Jim Johns started off as an instructor at Kitty Hawk Kites in the '70's and ended up running Western Hang Gliders in Marina California. Jim was one of the more successful hang gliding business owners ever.
Well, I've just finished a bunch of schoolin' and I gotta say that I think I'm too old to be learning this much stuff at once. Sometimes my head feels like it's going to explode from putting too much stuff in it.
I'm to the point in bartending school, where I pick up a customer check - which will have 5 or 6 drinks on it. I then have to make the drink order correctly in under 4 minutes. I've been limiting myself so far to the drinks I have memorized and I'm able to make an order usually in less than 3 minutes.
I hadn't been surfing since I started my captain's class, but with only my Bartending school left for 'structured' life right now, I decided to get some time in the water today. Sunday is not usually the best day to pick to go surfing because it's usually very crowded with all the locals at the beach in addition to the tourists, but being such a hot day coupled with a reasonable surf report, I loaded the longboard up and headed to the beach.
I've been going to Bartending (hospitality) School for a couple of weeks. I've always wanted to be a bartender - it seems like people are all so happy (mostly) when at a bar - so I thought it would be cool to be the guy that they're throwing money at - while smiling. It's an intensive class and when I graduate, I'll be certified (not a requirement in Florida). Currently, I'm practicing pouring 5 - 6 drinks (of varying type) at once while making sure that both hands are busy. It's more involved than I thought it would be at first.