Friday, August 18, 2006

A Plethora of Certification

Well, I've just finished a bunch of schoolin' and I gotta say that I think I'm too old to be learning this much stuff at once. Sometimes my head feels like it's going to explode from putting too much stuff in it.

During June, I received a speeding ticket - but if you take a 4 hour class, the state/county will allow you to get by without it affecting your driver's license points or your insurance.

Not a bad tradeoff AND you can take the class online. Still, it's a timed course - per page and it takes 4 hours to go through the online course. So here is my certificate from that school.

On July 8, I started an intensive course for my Captain's license with Towing endorsement. While going through that 9 day course, I started a 3 week Bartending course - that I drew out to 5 weeks of elapsed time due to our trip to BVI. I graduated from the Captain's course and took the Coast Guard test. Below are my certificates from that course.

I finished up the bartending course yesterday with my practical tests. It turned out I breezed through the testing, but I was surely nervous. I got the certificate below AND a card that I keep in my wallet that shows I'm certified with the state as a 'responsible vendor'.

Now, if I can just turn a few of these into money, I'll be in good shape.

Oh yeah, I leave on Sunday to go to California to LEARN how to operate the 'first down' yellow line thingy on TV. I don't think I get a certificate for that one.


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