Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Life in Mountain View

Training is going well. My direct boss is a nice guy named Ted Chen. Ted is an excellent and patient teacher and knows how to teach the job in a logical order. There's a lot ot know, but the info comes in proper size chunks.

Here's a photo from the camera, shooting down at the fake football field. The lense alone on this camera costs between $100,000 and $200,000 dollars.

Anyone who knows me at all, knows I'm a big fan (devotee) of Apple Computers. I don't understand how the majority of the world ended up with PC's, but that would be their problem I guess and not mine. Anyway, whenever I get within 30 miles of an Apple store (the shrine), I must drive to it and go in and buy something (tithe). Luckily, there's an Apple store in Palo Alto that was only about a 10 minute drive away and I went there last night and touched all the new stuff.

I purchased iLife '06 which has some new blogging software in it. I'm excited about giving it a whirl. I'll let you know when my blog changes addresses.

Here's a photo of the "church" in Palo Alto:


Blogger OB said...

AMEN brother, Amen.

5:05 AM  

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