Monday, April 24, 2006

Key West (Again)

My buddy Doug got his first motorcycle last October. After he got it, I told him he needed to bring it with him when he came to the hang gliding meet this month and that we would ride it down to Key West for a couple of days. Well, after Jan and I rode all the way down and back, we I modified the plan based on the fact that the ride between West Palm Beach and South Miami is just not a lot of fun on a motorcycle. So instead, Doug borrowed a motorcycle trailer from a friend a work and we trailered down to Miami and then rode to the keys.

We had a great time. Thanks to Bill and Michelle letting us stay in their house in Key West. It was a fun ride. We went down on Thursday and came back on Saturday.

Rooster hanging out on Duval Steet

Doug riding with Jan and I on "The Loop" through Tomoka State Park.


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